The eyes, ears, nose and lips are not taken separately but the skin affects our overall beauty. Therefore, Zavi Kalyana is one of the five Kalyana.
If you go in front of a mirror and look at your face, it will look beautiful if the skin on your face is beautiful. But there are times when the skin gets ugly because of mistakes we make knowingly or unknowingly.
Not washing the face after waking up in the morning is the most serious mistake women make on the skin. Some do not even brush their teeth in the morning. No matter how many duties you have, you should not forget to wash your face. This allows the bacteria in the skin to stay in the skin. The skin repairs itself when we sleep. Failure to wash your face in the morning can lead to oily skin and acne prone skin.
Sunscreen is essential for skin protection. But how many people use sunscreen? Sun exposure wrinkles the skin. Discoloration. There are dark spots.
How often do you change your pillowcase? The pillow is the lifeless companion closest to your sighs and tears. The pillowcase also holds the germs in the skin, mouth, and hair. Even if it leads to a good night's sleep, changing the old pillowcase every two or three days and not putting in a new pillowcase will not prevent skin problems.
No matter how tired or bored you are, face creams should be removed before going to bed.